**Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Social Media Platform "Kaps"**

1. Scope of Application**

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the contractual relationship between users and the "Kaps" platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform"). The use of the Platform is subject to the following conditions. By registering and using the Platform, the user agrees to these Terms.

2. Registration and Profile**

2.1 Registration on the Platform requires providing truthful and up-to-date information. The user agrees to update this information as necessary. The provided information is subject to the data protection policies of "Kaps."

2.2 The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and must not disclose their login credentials to third parties. Kaps reserves the right to suspend or delete user accounts without prior notice in case of violations of these Terms.

2.3 Users have the option to create personal profiles. These profiles must not contain offensive, discriminatory, or unlawful content.

3. Disclaimer**

3.1 Kaps is in its initial testing phase, and the user acknowledges that Kaps assumes no liability for any damages, data losses, or other inconveniences arising from the use of the Platform. Usage is at the user's own risk.

3.2 Kaps makes every effort to make the Platform secure and user-friendly. However, Kaps cannot be held responsible for interruptions, outages, or security breaches.

4. Data Protection**

4.1 By using the Platform, the user consents to Kaps using the data provided by them in accordance with Kaps' data protection policies. Kaps is committed to complying with all applicable data protection laws.

4.2 Kaps' data protection policies are available separately and govern the processing of personal data.

5. Rights to Uploaded Data**

5.1 The user grants Kaps the non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, and worldwide right to use, store, reproduce, edit, publish, and distribute the data uploaded by them on the Platform.

5.2 Kaps will only use the data within the scope of Platform usage and will not sell or otherwise commercially exploit user data to third parties.

**6. Use of the Platform**

6.1 The user agrees to use the Platform only for lawful purposes and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

6.2 The user is prohibited from using the Platform for purposes that violate good manners, contain defamatory content, hate speech, glorify violence, or are otherwise unlawful.

6.3 Kaps reserves the right to remove content or suspend user accounts for violations of these terms.

7. Copyrights**

7.1 The user guarantees that they have all necessary rights to the content uploaded by them and that its publication on the Platform does not infringe on the rights of third parties.

7.2 Kaps respects the intellectual property rights of third parties and expects the same from its users. In case of complaints about copyright infringements, Kaps will take appropriate action, including the removal of content or suspension of user accounts.

8. Interaction with Other Users**

8.1 Users are responsible for their interactions with other users and should treat each other with respect and courtesy.

8.2 Kaps assumes no responsibility for disputes or conflicts between users but is liable for handling such matters appropriately.

9. Changes and Termination of the Platform**

9.1 Kaps reserves the right to change, suspend, or terminate the Platform at any time. Users will be informed in advance of significant changes.

9.2 In the event of the termination of the Platform, user data will be handled in accordance with Kaps' data protection policies.

10. Communication from Kaps**

10.1 Kaps reserves the right to inform users about important information, changes, or updates via email, notifications on the Platform, or other suitable means.

11. Severability Clause**

11.1 If individual provisions of these Terms are or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. In place of the invalid provision, a regulation that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision shall apply.